Shawn Mendes: The Water You Drink Matters
The water you drink matters. We’ve partnered with Shawn Mendes to inspire positive change in the world by providing a more sustainable alternative to traditional bottled water. “I am incredibly excited to work with Flow Alkaline Spring Water alongside my...
3 Simple Steps to De-Stress
Got a lot going on in your life? You don’t need to meditate to de-stress. Here are 3 simple steps to bring those stress levels down. Step 1.Swing your arms. Swing ‘em front to back to bring back a...
Just Add Fresh Air
This summer, take some advice from Ralph Waldo Emerson: "Live in the sunshine. Swim in the Sea. Drink the wild air,” because spending time outdoors is *super* amazing for your wellness. Whether you prefer an adventurous weekend camping, or a...
Flow Employee Superpowers
This week, we asked Flow employees how our deliciously-drinkable organic flavors superpower their life. “Strawberry rose is delicious and sexy and it warms my heart!!!” + EMILY Graphic Designer “OG keeps my vibe right, light, and bright every day,...
Self-Care Ritual of the Day: Make A Connection
No really, it's that simple. Whether it's your mom or a friend, it's actually healing to hear a familiar voice. Studies have shown that people who maintain social support are less likely to experience anxiety and depression, in addition to...
It's a Bird. It's a Plane. It's Superfood!
Have you met the new gang we're hanging with? They're kick-ass, disease-fighting eats called superfoods. Just like superfoods, Flow is ultra good for you (and has no calories, sugars, or GMOs). On top of that, we're both full of healthy...