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  • Shawn Mendes: The Water You Drink Matters

    Shawn Mendes: The Water You Drink Matters

     The water you drink matters. We’ve partnered with Shawn Mendes to inspire positive change in the world by providing a more sustainable alternative to traditional bottled water.  “I am incredibly excited to work with Flow Alkaline Spring Water alongside my...

  • 3 Simple Steps to De-Stress

    3 Simple Steps to De-Stress

      Got a lot going on in your life? You don’t need to meditate to de-stress. Here are 3 simple steps to bring those stress levels down.  Step 1.Swing your arms. Swing ‘em front to back to bring back a...

  • Just Add Fresh Air

    Just Add Fresh Air

    This summer, take some advice from Ralph Waldo Emerson:  "Live in the sunshine. Swim in the Sea. Drink the wild air,” because spending time outdoors is *super* amazing for your wellness.  Whether you prefer an adventurous weekend camping, or a...

  • Flow Employee Superpowers

    Flow Employee Superpowers

      This week, we asked Flow employees how our deliciously-drinkable organic flavors superpower their life. “Strawberry rose is delicious and sexy and it warms my heart!!!” + EMILY Graphic Designer “OG keeps my vibe right, light, and bright every day,...

  • Self-Care Ritual of the Day: Make A Connection

    Self-Care Ritual of the Day: Make A Connection

    No really, it's that simple.  Whether it's your mom or a friend, it's actually healing to hear a familiar voice. Studies have shown that people who maintain social support are less likely to experience anxiety and depression, in addition to...

  • It's a Bird. It's a Plane. It's Superfood!

    It's a Bird. It's a Plane. It's Superfood!

    Have you met the new gang we're hanging with? They're kick-ass, disease-fighting eats called superfoods. Just like superfoods, Flow is ultra good for you (and has no calories, sugars, or GMOs). On top of that, we're both full of healthy...